Reducing Liability Through A Video-Based System
Certification Based On Reality
The National Canine Audit Tracking System provides law enforcement and private security companies a way to show the quality and effectiveness of their K9 teams. Based in Sherwood, Arkansas, we provide consulting services for your team’s performance by industry experts. Our goal is to decrease your liability in case your team is ever challenged in court.
Providing The Evidence
NCATS Mission Statement
The National Canine Audit Tracking System was developed to provide Law Enforcement agencies and private security companies with a more efficient and realistic method to show the quality and competency of their K9 teams. Each team will create video evidence performing at a high standard multiple times per year that will reduce liability and remove any doubt of the team's capabilities. NCATS will also provide your agency with advice and opinion if the team's performance is challenged in court. Included in the membership is up to 8 hours of consulting by a police K9 industry expert as well as up to 8 hours of consulting by an attorney specializing in police K9 matters.
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